A former all-rounder named Yuvraj Singh said that India’s bad run of form since the 2024 T20 World Cup should not be used to rate Rohit Sharma as a captain. It’s not the first time the 43-year-old has supported his ex-teammate Rohit. Rohit and India’s head coach Gautam Gambhir are under fire after their team lost 3-1 to Australia in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.
That was the first time in ten years that India gave up the Trophy to Australia. However, it cost India a spot in the World Test Championship finals and came after a couple of shocking series losses, including a humiliating 3-0 home loss to New Zealand. This meant that Rohit had a lot of questions about him at the end of a year in which he led India to victory in the T20 World Cup.
“Every year, I look at the team graph over three or five years.” Gautam is still getting used to the method and needs more time. Being captain helped India win the T20 World Cup, and he was also captain when they played in the ODI World Cup final. Yevraj told the press at an event, “He led MI (Mumbai Indians) to five IPL titles.”
Yevraj says to talk more about the good results.
He also said that Rohit quit the team before the last Test against Australia because of a string of bad scores. “He dropped out of the last match to give someone else a chance.” When was the last time that captain did that? He asked, “Please tell me.”
It was said again by Yuvraj that the 3-0 loss at home to New Zealand was more shocking than the loss to Australia. Yuvraj said, “That’s a harder pill to swallow.” Even though India lost the series in Australia, opener Yashasvi Jaiswal and rookie Nitish Reddy, who scored a famous hundred in the Melbourne Test, both played very well.”I can’t believe Nitish got 100 on his first tour. I don’t know how many people have done that. It’s great that Jaiswal got more than 150 in his first Test in Australia. “These shows should be talked about more,” Yuvraj said.