Apple released the Apple Store app in India on Friday. This means that millions more people can now buy iPhones, Macs, iPads, and other Apple products straight from the company. The move shows that the most valuable tech company in the world plans to reach more Indian customers in ways other than its own stores, approved resellers, and third-party retailers.
With the release of the Apple Store app, customers can now enjoy a more personalised shopping experience, similar to what is available in other countries. This includes the ability to customise goods with laser engraving and set up Macs and Apple Watches to order. Indian customers can get the Apple Store app for their iPhones and iPads and use it right from those devices.
The Apple Store app has many tabs that make it easy to find a product and learn about the trade-in program. This program lets customers trade in their old devices for store credit that can be used to buy a new one. The shop also lets you pay over time for things like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Apple and other top brands are moving more and more to online channels to connect with customers and get a bigger share of the Indian consumer market. Apple already has stores in some of India’s biggest cities, like Mumbai and Delhi. The company wants to open more stores in places like Bengaluru and Pune. However, Apple’s name is still mostly found in India’s more developed cities.
That’s why Apple opened its online store in India in September 2020, right in the middle of the outbreak. With the release of the Apple Store app, Apple hopes to reach more people in smaller towns.
Apple wants to do even better in India, so it’s using the same strategy that worked so well for it in China. This includes increasing the number of iPhones sold and made in India and opening more stores in second- and third-tier areas. The Indian market for the iPhone is still very strong, thanks to a strong group of consumers, mostly high-aspirational consumers.