The Samsung Galaxy S25 series has finally launched in India. The company has announced three models, a standard, Plus and Ultra. The Galaxy S25 Slim — which was heavily rumoured — hasn’t been teased. But, the company has shown off a new Galaxy S25 Edge model, which is likely the same model boasting about its slim profile. The latest Samsung Galaxy S25 series comes with a starting price of $799 (around Rs 69,000) in the US. The Galaxy S25+ will cost $999 (approximately Rs 86,000), whereas the Galaxy S25 Ultra is priced at $1,299 (roughly Rs 1,12,299). The Samsung Galaxy S25 price in India starts at Rs 80,999 for the base 128GB storage model. The Galaxy S25+ (256GB) comes with a starting price of Rs 99,999, whereas the Galaxy S25 Ultra (256GB) will cost you Rs 1,29,999. While the prices of both Plus and Ultra are the same as the Galaxy S24 series, the standard S25 model has received a Rs 1,000 price hike in comparison to its predecessor. Here are the features and full specs of the new Samsung phones.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra: Full specs
The new Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra takes a big step forward with upgrades in design, performance, and functionality. Starting with its display, the phone features a larger 6.9-inch screen, up from 6.8 inches in previous models, with more rounded edges that move away from the sharper Galaxy Note design. Despite this, the Ultra is lighter, weighing just 218 grams, while still housing the same 5,000mAh battery that has powered Ultra models since the Galaxy S20 Ultra.
One of the standout improvements is in the camera system. The 200MP primary sensor is now accompanied by a 50MP ultra-wide camera, replacing the 12MP sensor used in earlier models. There’s also a 50MP telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom and a secondary 10MP telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom. The 12MP front-facing camera remains unchanged but it is expected to offer better performance for selfies and video calls.
The Galaxy S25 Ultra comes with 12GB of RAM across all storage options — 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. This 12GB RAM configuration is consistent across the entire Galaxy S25 lineup, as Samsung has decided to eliminate the 16GB RAM variant this year. At the core of the device is the Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy, a custom-tuned version of Qualcomm’s latest flagship chipset for 2025, featuring an advanced APU for improved efficiency and performance. Additionally, Samsung claims to have improved heat management by increasing the vapour chamber size by 40 percent on the S25 Ultra, with smaller but notable improvements of 15 per cent on the S25 and S25+.
Samsung Galaxy S25, S25+: Specs
The newly launched Samsung Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ carry forward a bit of the hardware from their predecessors. The S25 features a compact 6.2-inch display, while the S25+ offers a larger 6.7-inch screen. Both devices come equipped with a 50MP primary camera, a 12MP ultra-wide lens, and a 10MP telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom. Battery capacities remain unchanged, with the S25 housing a 4,000mAh battery and the S25+ featuring a 4,900mAh cell. Charging speeds are also consistent, offering 25W wired charging for the S25 and 45W for the S25+.
These devices run on Android 15 with Samsung’s One UI 7 interface and promise extended software support, including 7 years of OS updates and security patches. The base model of the Galaxy S25 starts with 128GB of storage, whereas the Plus model gets 256GB. Samsung is now offering 12GB RAM as the base model for the standard and Plus versions. Also, the company has finally offered a Snapdragon chip on all the devices this time. Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Elite powers the new devices.
New AI features
The new phones are running on the latest One UI 7 custom skin based on Android 15, which the company says is built from the ground up with AI.
Samsung is pushing the boundaries of AI integration in One UI 7 on the Galaxy S25 with a suite of Gemini-powered features. At the heart of these updates is the introduction of “AI agents,” which streamline how users interact with their phones. Gemini now allows for chaining multiple commands and app interactions to make complex tasks feel effortless. Users can also access Gemini directly by long-pressing the power button, ensuring quick and intuitive access to its capabilities. Furthermore, Samsung apps are being upgraded with Gemini extensions.
On the AI front, Samsung is bringing several new features to its Galaxy lineup. “Generative Edit” in the photo editing tools has been upgraded to not only remove people from images but also their shadows. The “Now Brief” feature provides a personalised daily summary to keep users informed, while Samsung Gallery now supports searching for images using natural language, making it easier to find specific photos. To tie it all together, the on-device “Personal Data Engine” analyses user data securely, all while maintaining a focus on privacy, according to the company.
There is also a new AI Select tool that suggests relevant AI features based on screen activity—such as offering writing assistance to summarise, spell-check, or adjust text tone. On-device search now supports detailed queries, like finding a photo of a dog in a red coat near a cake. Samsung also added voice-triggered tasks, such as activating a blue light filter when you mention eye strain, eliminating the need to navigate menus.
Another standout is Live Video, which provides step-by-step guidance by analysing activities, like giving baking instructions as you roll dough. The AI system now supports translations in 20 languages for calls and in-person interactions, expanding its utility.