Mumbai: Bigg Boss has always been known for its star-studded house, and over the years, it has seen some of the biggest names from various industries join the show. Among them, Pamela Anderson stands out as the highest-paid contestant in the show’s history, earning a whopping ₹2.5 crore for just three days during Bigg Boss 4 in 2010. Her brief yet impactful appearance was a major highlight of the season, which was also the first one hosted by Salman Khan.
Her appearance came with an eye-popping paycheck of ₹2.5 crore, making her one of the highest-paid guests in the history of the reality show as per Financial Report.
This massive payment outshone the remuneration of regular contestants, including fan favourites like Sidharth Shukla or Hina Khan, who were paid significantly less for their participation despite their enduring popularity.
Pamela, famous for her role as CJ Parker in the iconic TV series Baywatch, entered the house alongside other notable contestants like Shweta Tripathi (the season’s winner), The Great Khali, Dolly Bindra, and Samir Soni. Despite staying for only three days, her presence created a significant buzz, boosting the show’s TRPs and introducing a global star to the Indian audience.