The actor Rakhi Sawant has announced that she will be marrying Pakistani actor-police officer Dodi Khan. Rakhi discussed her third wedding during an interview with News18. Additionally, she disclosed that they are in love.
Rakhi Sawant discloses that she intends to wed Dodi Khan.
Rakhi declared, “He is my love.” We are in love with one another. He originates from Pakistan. I am from India, and as a result, we will undertake a love marriage. She also criticized her ex-husband, Adil Khan Durrani, alleging him of disseminating inaccurate information about her. “Adil is envious of my marriage, and as a result, he is seeking negative publicity, or incorrect publicity, in my name. I am determined not to provide any publicity to that idiot.”
In a recent post, Rakhi discusses Dodi.
Rakhi also shared a post on Instagram that questioned the interest of others in her wedding. She explained in Hindi, “I wish to convey a message to all.” My wedding is a source of great concern for everyone. I have the freedom to marry at any time, regardless of whether it is in India, Pakistan, China, Bhutan, America, London, or Canada. Live and let live. What are you currently engaged in?
Rakhi inquires as to the reason for Selena Gomez’s recent tears.
Rakhi then discussed the recent tears of singer Selena Gomez. After the United States President Donald Trump’s decision to deport illegal immigrants from their country, the singer experienced a breakdown. Nevertheless, Rakhi addressed Selena’s tears in a manner that was entirely unrelated. Rakhi interjected, “Why are you crying so much after coming to know about my wedding?”
The actor continued, “She is weeping so profusely that it appears as though I have stolen her husband.” Selena, what is the matter with you? Are you feeling well? Dodi is not your partner, correct? Selena Gomez, what is the reason for your tears? I did not take your boyfriend or xyz. Dodi, a prominent thespian from Pakistan, is a talented actor. Therefore, Selena Gomez refrains from weeping. In addition to her video, she included a photograph of Selena weeping.
Regarding Rakhi’s prior marriages
Rakhi was previously married to Adil Khan Durrani. Nevertheless, the two separated in 2023 after she made numerous allegations against him and accused him of engaging in extramarital affairs. Rakhi had also accused him of tormenting her, mishandling funds, and domestic violence. Later, on February 7, 2023, Adil was apprehended from Rakhi’s residence. He was released from prison after serving a five-month sentence.
Prior to this, Rakhi was married to Ritesh Singh. They were married in 2019 and divorced in 2022.