The two-time Olympic champion and javelin superstar Neeraj Chopra started a new chapter in his life when he married former tennis player Himani Mor in a stunning private ceremony. Known for avoiding the spotlight in his personal life, Neeraj shocked followers on January 19 by posting the first images from the event on social media.
The newlyweds are currently on their honeymoon in the United States. The Chopra family intends to fete the newlyweds with a lavish reception for friends, family, and well-wishers when they return.
About the Dreamy Wedding of Neeraj and Himani
Bheem Chopra, Neeraj’s uncle, told India Today that the ceremony was kept private in order to respect the couple’s wish for a low-key celebration. Following the wedding, the couple took a honeymoon trip to the United States. When they return, the Chopra family will throw a lavish ceremony to honour the happy nuptials, inviting friends, family, and well-wishers.
Himani Mor is who?
Himani Mor, a former tennis player from Sonipat, Haryana, participated in the game while attending Delhi University’s Miranda House for her academic education. She obtained an MBA in Sports and Fitness Administration from Franklin Pierce University after pursuing her studies in Sports Management at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Himani is a graduate assistant at Amherst College in Massachusetts and is currently working towards a Master of Science degree at the Isenberg School of Management. Her skills in coaching, venue management, and strategic planning are excellent, and she oversees the women’s tennis squad. Her career path reflects her love of management and athletics.