The United Nations has expressed condolences and apologised to India over the killing of former Indian Army officer Colonel Waibhav Anil Kale in Gaza. The attack is believed to be ...
Turkish leader has referred to the issue of Kashmir in his address to world leaders at the high-level UN General Assembly session. United Nations: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the ...
Beijing blocked the proposal that had been moved by the US and co-designated by India to blacklist Mir under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council ...
India has become the world's most populous country, overtaking China, data released by the United Nations today showed. New Delhi: India has become the world's most populous country, overtaking China, data ...
Photographs of some UN security personnel in front of the Taliban flag drew criticism and led to the apology. Kabul: The United Nations (UN) has apologized for a "significant lapse ...
Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates Cuba and Venezuela were among a total of 19 countries that voted against the motion to discuss the report Beijing: The United ...