Soon after Musk announced the news, several social media users swamped the comment section and shared their reactions. A user wrote, "Twitter is the new Netflix." Another user commented, "so ...
In December last year, Twitter had updated the list of features for its Blue service, which mentioned that subscribers of the service will get "prioritised rankings in conversations". New Delhi: Twitter ...
Twitter had previously announced that the company would "no longer allow free promotion of specific social media platforms." Twitter announced Sunday it would no longer allow users to promote their ...
Elon Musk's comments come after Phil Schiller, an Apple fellow who's responsible for leading the App Store, deleted his Twitter account. Twitter chief Elon Musk on Saturday said that he ...
According to The Financial Times, the Brussels office was focused on the European Union digital policy, working in close proximity with the European Commission. San Francisco: Elon Musk-owned Twitter has ...
Tesla CEO becomes sole director of social media giant after finalising $44bn takeover. Elon Musk has fired Twitter’s board of directors, giving himself unfettered control over the social media giant, ...
A follower wrote to Musk that under the SEC Rule 10b-5, Twitter "can be liable for omissions of or misleading material facts." New Delhi: If Tesla CEO Elon Musk`s legal ...
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has decided not to join the Twitter board of directors. Parag Agrawal, the CEO of Twitter, confirmed this. New Delhi: Elon Musk, the ...