Rasha Thadani, who recently made her début with Azaad, reflects on the legacy of her mother, Raveena Tandon, and how she was consistently held accountable for her craft. According to Rasha Thadani, “My mother actually does it very beautifully because she will never express pride in me. I feel like she knows that if she keeps saying she’s proud of me and I’m doing so well, it might make me go in the wrong direction as a person.” She continues, “So, there is never a feeling of completion with her, because I feel like when completion happens to you, there is no improvement after that.” Therefore, she has been instrumental in my development to this day.
Raveena Tandon and Rasha Thadani(Image sourced from Instagram)
Raveena Tandon and Rasha Thadani(Image sourced from Instagram)
Rasha acknowledges that the current state of the box office presents a challenge for those who wish to pursue a career in acting. Nevertheless, she maintains that it is impossible to evade: “Times are perpetually changing and developing.” Therefore, any obstacle that an actor encounters during a particular phase will persist. I do not believe that anyone has ever had a clear slate or ever encountered something that is so simple that they could say, “Okay, it’s done.”
She continues, “However, in terms of the box office, you simply have to accept the current situation and adapt to it in order to appeal to the audience that may be interested in seeing you.” You are unable to simply halt and declare, “Oh my God, I am no longer going to do it. I will wait until the time is right.” “You must exert yourself and do your best, and the rest will be determined by fate.”
Rasha’s debut had been a topic of discussion for some time prior to her decision to pursue it, as she is the daughter of Raveena Tandon. However, the 19-year-old acknowledges that she was shielded from the entire ordeal. “The rumors of my debut have been present, but I am not certain that I was aware of them.” I did not pay much mind to this world or this side of it, even during my time in school, and this was not that long ago. When I began filming the film in grade 12, it was a significant flight of faith for me. She states, “I had no intention of engaging in that activity at that particular moment.”
The actor further explains, “I was a completely different person at that time because I was so unaware of anything to do with this world, and everything just worked out when we started working on the film.” I am still in the dark, but I am now aware of only a fraction of the information I possessed at that time. I have always been aware that I am destined to pursue this endeavor. I was simply unaware of the manner and timing of its occurrence.